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Failed download of EPUB on a iPad using the Chrome browser


There have been reported issues download a NDLS course EPUB on an iPad using the Chrome browser.   Chrome gives a error message that says "Failed download".  The issue appears to be related to a security patch waiting to be installed on the device.  This situation can present itself in other browsers and operating systems as well. When certain operating systems notifies the user of a security update it may take action to prevent downloads until the security update is installed.  If you receive "Failed Download;" error, please perform the following task.

  1. Close your browser
  2. Click on the App Store or System icon where the update has been identified
  3. Be sure your devices in plugged into the charger and you have a good internet connection
  4. Approve the update as prescribed by your specific device and operating system
  5. If your device does not reboot automatically, be sure to power off your device then power back on.
  6. After connecting to the internet log into the NDLSF LMS and your course.
  7. Click on the link to download your book.  If you have previously tried three times to download the course EPUB you will get a message that your download limit has been reached.  If this occurs please submit a support ticket requesting your download limit be reset.
  8. If you still get an error saying your download limit has been reached, clear the history cache in your browser.
  9. If these steps do not resolve the above issue, please notify the NDLS program office at 800-722-4911
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Article details
Article ID: 7
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-02-16 20:47:08
Views: 3750
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (22)

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