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Instructions for Downloading Course Textbooks




You may download your course textbook on up to three (3) electronic devices that you own. Sharing the download link or this epub is strictly prohibited. By downloading the course textbook on your digital device you are committing to attend this NDLS course. The book is provided in epub format to each student and is included as part of your registration fee. This epub is provided to you DRM-free which means a dedicated e-reader is not required. This book is delivered with a social watermark and Ex Libris fully visible as well as digital watermarking. This identifies the licensed user of the textbook.


NOTICE Failure to attend this course after downloading the course textbook may result in the training center charging the course registration fee back to you if not already paid by you. Do not download the course textbook if you do not have a firm commitment to attend this course.


The course textbook is compatible with the following devices when a suitable epub reader is installed.


• iPhone (iBook Compatible)


• iPad (iBook Compatible)


• Android phone (requires epub reader to be installed)


• Android Tablets (requires epub reader to be installed)


• Linux computers (requires epub reader to be installed)


• OSX computers (iBook Compatible)


• Current Microsoft Windows computers (requires epub reader to be installed)


• Possibly Kindle Fire (requires epub reader to be installed)


If you have a Windows computer we recommend that you consider installing Adobe Digital Editions as your EPUB reader. Please consult the Adobe Digital Editions website for additional information. The link to download the software is below.




Prior to downloading your course textbook please ensure that each of your electronic devices has a compatible epub reader installed. The list of available epub readers is extensive and beyond the scope if this document. The iPhone, iPad and OSX computers come installed with iBooks, which is fully compatible with the epub format.




1. You must log on to the NDLSF Learning Management System (LMS) with the electronic device you wish to install the course textbook on. 2. After registering or logging into your course (CDLS, BDLS and ADLS) scroll down to the section identified as Pre-Course Activities.


3. When you are ready to install your course textbook, click on the “CDLS eBook Download”, “BDLS eBook Download” or “ADLS eBook Download”. This will open the book download link. Be sure that you have met the requirements listed prior to downloading your textbook.


4. Download speed is dependent in the speed of your Internet connection. Please allow up to 60 second for your textbook download to start. The following reactions are based on the type of device, the Internet browser used and the epub reader installed.


a. If your device downloaded an epub file, click on the file and it should either automatically install into your epub reader or it will ask if you want to open it with your epub reader. Confirm that you want to open it with your epub reader.


b. If your device gives you an option to save the file or open with your epub reader, select open with your epub reader. This will install the epub into your epub software.


5. Your epub reader should automatically open and the course textbook should be displayed.


6. Most epub readers will allow you to search the textbook, bookmark important information, and highlight text. Please see your epub reader’s documentation for documentation on which features are installed and how to use them.


7. Should you have difficulty with the downloading of your epub please submit a ticket on the LMS using the support button at the top of the page.


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Adobe Digital Editions for Windows works!
Article details
Article ID: 5
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2015-12-17 17:15:36
Views: 9968
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.7/5.0 (44)

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