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If you have difficulty downloading epub


Please be sure to download and read the instruction on Downloading and installing the EPUB NDLS textbooks.

1. Be sure to check your download folder for the EPUB. Some computer operating systems do not automatically install the epub.  You have to click on the file to uncompress the file.  This should be done automatically when open the file with your installed EPUB reader.

2. Be sure your EPUB reader can locate where the file was saved.  It may be in a different location.

3. If you have difficulty using your EPUB, please be sure that you provide the following when requesting support.

a. The type of device you are having difficulty with

b. The operating system you are using such as Windows, Mac, or Linux

c. The name of the EPUB reader that is installed on your computer


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Article details
Article ID: 6
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-01-05 15:32:11
Views: 2768
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.7/5.0 (55)

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